Video of Det 5, Quang Tri, produced by the Department of the Army

Published April 8, 1970 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics AFVN, AFRTS, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, United States. Army, United States. -- American Forces Vietnam Network, US Army

Color, silent. April 08, 1970 "Summary: LS, tower and bldgs in radio and TV station area. MS, sign on roof: "AFVN." LS, TV van. Int, soldier editing motion picture film. CUs, editing machine and splicer. VS, soldier breaks film and splices in news clip. VS, soldier looks through pile of papers. VS, soldier looks at card files to locate a slide. VS, soldier takes slide from drawer. VS, soldier inserts slides in slide tray and writes sequence on paper. VS, two soldier reporters sit at news desk in TV studio talking. LS, TV cameraman cueing start of broadcast. CU, cameraman's view looking through camera. VS, two newscasters reporting the news. MS, two TV cameramen with their cameras. CU, sign on news desk: "AFVN VIETNAM RADIO-TV, NEWS, SPORTS." VS, soldier wearing headset, sits at radio console and speaks into microphone. VS, soldier disc jockey selects record and places it on turntable. CU, radio console. LS, soldier sitting on grass and eating. He is listening to a portable radio. VS, soldiers atop bunkers and M-ll3 APC, listen to radio." National Archives Identifier:     33569
[Submitted by Doug Jennings, September 29, 2015.]

Posted by Dennis Woytek in May 2018. 

Apologies for having the one picture and not the video due to an error on the part of the webmaster.

The following links goes to Dennis Woytek's Blog and photos from his return to Vietnam in March 2015.

Blog           Photos

Received via Facebook from Dennis Woytek on April 23, 2015.

Received via Facebook from Dennis Woytek on April 23, 2015.

More photos of Detachment 5, Quang Tri are at--

Photos & Stories

Don Gouin  SFC, USA  1967-68 (When Detachment 5 was in Hue.)

Tim Lennox  SP4, USA  News, Det 5, Quang Tri  1970-71

Douglas Wilson  1LT, USA  OIC, Quang Tri  1968-69

Steve Wiltsie  1LT, USA  Home Video of Quang Tri, Da Nang and Saigon

Google Map View of Det 5, Quang Tri today.

Det 5, Quang Tri from a distance.

Posted on Facebook by Dennis Woytek on  December 7, 2014.

Det 5, Quang Tri

Taken from the water tank at the Southeast corner of the mess-hall

of the Repl. Det. A-7th SPT BN 1st BDE 5TH INF (MECH) DIV.

The view is to the West with Det 5 AFVN across the road.  Another unit across the way.

Posted on Facebook by Dennis Woytek on  December 7, 2014.

Det 5, Quang Tri

Posted on Facebook by Dennis Woytek on  December 7, 2014

AFVN Detachment 5, Quang Tri -- Page 2