Andews, James "Jim" SP5, USA Engineering, Saigon
Fowlstom, Tom SP4, USA News and DJ, Pleiku / Saigon
Holen, Rick Sgt, USAF Command Military Touring Shows
Hunt, William A. "Bill" SP5, USA Traffic Control, Saigon
Ingle, Chuck SP4, USA Hon Tre 1969-70
Jackson, R. Michael CPT, USA Network News OIC 1971
Kalish, Kenneth K. "Ken" GMG3, USN Radio, Saigon 1968-69
Lyon, Garry L. SFC, USA (70-71) / Qui Nhon / Saigon 1970-71
Nelson, Jerry SP5, USA Admin, Saigon 1970-71
Prosser, Craig SP5, USA Newscaster, Editor, Reporter,
Saigon 1963-64
Rogers, Winton L. "Larry" SSG, USA Broadcaster
Chu Lai 1969-70
Schmitzer, William "Bil" SP4, USA Saigon / Pleikku 1969-70
Smith, Stephen H. Radio-TV Engineer Saigon / Da Nang / Nha
Trang (70)
Southerland, Steven SP5, USA Radio, Saigon 1963-64
Sullivan, Michael J. "Mike" SP5, USA News, Saigon 1969-70
White, Jim MSG, USA, Admin NCOIC
James and Karen Andrews 2 2 2 2
Tom Fowlston 1 1 1 1
Rick and Anne Holen 2 2 2 2
Bill Hunt (VA =Dinner Only) 1 1
Chuck Ingle 1 1 1 1
Mike and Susan Jackson 2 2 2 2
Ken and Lisa & Kenneth M. (son) Kalish 3 2 2 4
and girlfriend
(Note: One gluten-free dinner)
Garry Lyon 1 1 1 1
Jerry and Marcia Nelson 2 1 2 2
Craig Prosser 1 1 1
Winton "Larry" Rogers 1 1 1 1
William "Bil" Schmitzter 1
Steve Smith 1 1 1
Steve and Deb Southerland 2 2 2 2
Mike and Peg Sullivan (No Hotel) 2 2 2
Jim White 1 1 1 1
Totals: 20 17 21 23
Plenty of room for many more to attend. Please sign up as soon as possible.
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Attending the Reunion
BL = VEW Burlesque Night
VA = Veterans Talk & Lunch
PM = Pavek Museum
DA = Dinner & Auction
(Number Attending)
As on the AFVN Roster showing Rank, Years, etc.
I.E., as in previous incarnations
AFVN Reunion
August 29th to September 1st, 2019 -- Minneapolis, Minnesota
Attendee List
Don't say "maybe next time." Come join us this year.
Updated: August 29, 2019