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Stories and Links from Forrest
Another Good Morning Vietnam - By Paul Cameron, 1st Infantry Division, 1969 (Received from Forrest Brandt)
Anti-Vietnam War Protests at Ohio State - Forrest's Recollections of Being There
Apple Season Approacheth - Forrest's Experience with German Apfel Saft
Birthdays - Forrest's Birthday Memories
Bringing Dad and the Uncles Home - Memories of Relatives and Friends who went to War
Fifty Years Ago - Forrest's Arrival in Vietnam
Line of Duty Investigations - Non-Combat Related Deaths in Vietnam
Meeting with the Estimable PIO of JUSPAO - Still Vietnam, but a Different World
Memories of 1968 - Forrest's recollections of a tumultuous year
Memories of Past Students - A FaceBook give and take.
November 22, 1963 - John Kennedy's Assassination
Our Turn - Poem by Forrest on Relating War Experiences
(A) Soldier's Refrain - Going Home Poem heard on Morning Edition, PBS
A July 27, 2019, Facebook Posting related to the above
The Christmas Stone - Story of a Gift from a Student Who Didn't Have Much
Veterans Day - A Soldier's Refrain: Going Home
This story led to a discussion of the Army "Shorts" uniform. Click Here
War Story Which Flag to Raise?
Click here to go to Forrest's KLIK stories and photos.
Individual Photo Albums & Stories
Forrest Brandt、 1LT, USA
KLIK / IO, 1st Div (68-69)