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Photos taken by Jim White while inspecting all of the AFVN Detachments/
October 1970
JUSPAO Reports
Saigon Press Review of Vietnamese and Chinese Dailies
Dated December 14, 1971
Principal Reports from Communist Radio and Press Sources
Dated December 19, 1971
[Submitted by Ron Turner in October 2015.]
The Webmaster must admit that he was a little puzzled as to why these should be on the AFVN Website. In response, Ron wrote;
I definitely think that JUSPAO stuff must be AFVN related. How so? We (engineers) did the daily Pentagon feed of the National Press Center (JUSPAO's) briefing, we were the neighbors of THVN (a JUSPAO creation). We worked with JUSPAO in providing assistance to the Vietnamese broadcast stations throughout the country, JUSPAO exercised some control over PAO efforts throughout MACV/USARV (remember the email about someone having an interview before officially assuming his correspondent job?), MACOI responded to direction from JUSPAO, the most frequent visitors to the AFVN engineering office were from JUSPAO, and last, but certainly not least, JUSPAO coordinated the turnover of AFVN assets to the RVN Ministry of Information in which AFVN engineers were quite involved.
Listening to AFVN in the Field
This link goes to a New York Times site titled
"Vietnam War Photos that Made a Difference."
The ninth photo in this small collection shows a group of soldiers
gathered around a radio listening to AFVN in 1968.
[Submitted by Rick Fredericksen]
Article on AFVN in the II Field Force Newspaper in 1969 or1970.
[Posted on Facebook by Erik B. Villard (VietnamWarHistory.Org, November 2017]
MACV Combat Service Identification Badge
This link goes to a Institute of Heraldry page which describes the above badge.
Anyone who wore the MACV shoulder patch is authorized to also wear this badge.
Searching for "MACV Combat Service Identification Badge" will result in numerous
links for those who wish to purchase said badge.
Military Radio had its Beginnings in the Days of the Doughboys
A Stars & Stripes article giving a brief history of military broadcasting dated December 15, 2002.
[This link was closed or moved sometime before August 22, 2017. Webmaster]