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NOTE: Due to it's length, this index is divided into two sections:
Sabis, Christopher C. - Through the Soldiers' Ears
Sadistic Yeoman Chief - Story by Ken Kalish
Safer, Morley - CBS Correspondent
Saga of the Lost Diamond Ring (The) - Story by Ken Kalish
Sage, Victor - Photo DW(#14)
Saigon - 1955, 1946, 1940 (YouTube Video)
- 1975 Video of Saigon Beautiful scenes and music
- Aerial Views -1969 or 1970 GW(#10) GW(#11)
- AFVN Saigon Main Station location
- Attacks on Tan Son Nhut and Saigon (Data base of)
- BOQs and BEQs - List of Saigon BOQs and BEQs
- Citadel - Was the AFVN Main Station Located within the old Saigon Citadel?
- City Hall up until 1975 RM(#01)
- Correspondents, Who Were the Saigon Correspondents and Does it Matter?
- Dairy by Mme. Germaine Krull
- Embassy attacked during Tet 68
- (The) Fall of, April 29-30, 1975
- (The) Fall of Saigon (and South Vietnam) (58-Minute Video)
- Fall of Saigon - as reported on Page 1 of the Stars & Stripes for May 1, 1975
- Fall of Saigon - Escaping by Helicopter from the Pitman Building
- Fall of Saigon - S&S articles for April 29, 1975 Page 6 / May 6, 1975 Page 6
- Fall of Saigon - The Saddest Day, April 30, 1975
- Forty Years on from the Fall of Saigon
- Getting out of - Air American pilot's log of April 15 to 29, 1975
- Getting out of -By Ron Yates
- Hand-Painted Postcards from the 1850s to 1900s (?)
- Historic - Catinat Building
- History of the U.S. Consulate in Saigon (Excerpts from)
- Home Video of Quang Tri, Da Nang, and Saigon by Steve Wiltsie
- Japanese Soldiers in Saigon after World War Two
- Japanese Soldiers in Saigon during World War Two
- "Luxury and Rubble: Civility and Dispossession in the New Saigon"
- Map of, 1960 - Rotated
- Map of, 1966 or 1967
- Map of, 1966 or 1967 - Index
- Map of 1969 or 1970 (With certain sections enlarged)
- Mission (Vice President Agnew's visit to Saigon)
- My Saigon Summer, Before the Fall
- Opera House RM(#02)
- Photos - Treasure Trove of (from the 1950's through the end of the Vietnam War)
- Photos from 1966 by Tom Biggs
- Photos from the 1960s and 1970s
- Photos taken in 2018 - Rick Fredericksen's Blog
- Photos Then and Now - by Paul Blizard
- Press Review of Vietnamese and Chinese Dallies
- Plaza near Rex Hotel in April 1994 GW(#14)
- Presidential Palace in April 1994 GW(#12)
- Saigon Remembers the Journalists Who Revealed a Dirty War by Dante A. Ciampaglia
- Saigon in the 60s: a Black and White Portrayal by Francois Sully
- Served FIRST with AFRS Anywhere? (Who here)
- Souvenir -- A 1906 Visitor's Guide to Saigon
- Street Scenes (1940 to 1950)
- Streets in 1964 (Video)
- TET'68 - Battle for the Saigon Radio Station
- The First 36 Hours - AP Report, primarily centered upon Saigon
- The Saddest Day, April 30, 1975
- This is Saigon (ABC News)
- Traffic - Photo
- Traffic - Photo TF(#32) thru TF(#40)
- Traffic - Photo
- Traffic - Traffic over the past 50 years
- Traffic - Video by Steve Wiltsie
- Traffic - Video of Rush Hour Traffic
- Vietnamese TV Station, Rebuilt
- Visual Tour of Late 1960's Saigon
- Was the AFVN Main Station Located within the Old Saigon Citadel?
- (A) Week in - Nov 9th to 15th, 1963
- "Welcome to Sunny Saigon" Sign
- Zoo - 1969
"Saigon Night Beat" - AFVN Saigon Radio
Saigon Press Review of Vietnamese and Chinese Dailies
Radio Station (South Vietnamese Government Station) - TET '68 - Battle for
Radio - The Voice of France in the Pacific
- The view from - AFVN Coverage of the 1968 Presidential Election
Saigoneer - Article on Honda Cubs
Sajak, Pat - AFFRTS Website Celebrating Pat's Birthday, October 26, 2020
- "Dawn Buster" 1968
- Interviewed by Maryland Public Television
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4, June 15, 1969
- Newsletter, Vol 2, No 7, September 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 10 dated December 1969
- Photo with other members of the AFVN Saigon Station News Staff GW(#02)
- Photo - AFVN Radio Staff in 1969 GW(#02)
- Recounts his Army DJ Days before "Wheel of Fortune"
- Reminiscences and Stories, Cal LaMartiniere - 11
- Talks about Being Assigned to AFVN
- Workiing at WSM, Nashville in December 1975
Saltsgiver, Gary - Nha Trang Air Check
- BM(#05) BM(#13) BM(#18)
Samuels, Robert "Bob" - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
San Diego, California - AFVN Reunion, October 16 to 19, 2014
- "Thank You" DL(#26)
Sanders, Robert - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No.10 dated December 1969
Sandoz, Steve - Air Checks, Saigon, 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
Sarkin, Michael - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4, June 15, 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
- Photo - In Hospital JF(#16)
- Opening of Pleiku FM Station LW-Opening(#02) and LW-Dragon(#03)
- In the jungle LWLC(#04) and LWDM(#02) LWDM(#03)
- Serving Drinks LWFM(#02)
Sater, Terry - "The Nightmare of the Mekong" (excerpt from)
Savvy Living - Medicare and Ambulance Services
- In-Home Care
Saypack, Ed - Newsletter dated January 1972
Scales, Robert - Life is Like a Box of C-Rations
Scammers, Malware and Phishing
Scams, Computer - Amazon and Others
Schachelmayer, Frank FS(#05) FS(#08)
Schedule, AFRT (Date and Station Unknown)
Schilling, Lou - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No.10 dated December 1969
Schmitzer, William - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4, June 15, 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August, 1969
Schuth, Bob - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 10 dated December 1969
Schwarzkopf, General - 1993 CBS Documentary "Vietnam - a Soldier Returns
- With Rick Fredericksen RF(#41)
Schwartz, Bob - Det 2, Da Nang FS(#07)
Schwetz, Joseph A. - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4, June 15, 1969
- Photo - Opening of Pleiku FM Station LWFM(#07)
- Walking to Pleiku LW-LC(#03) and LWDR(#01)
Scales, John - Receiving an award
Scott, Traxler - Florida April 2014 AFV Mini-Reunion
Security Procedures for Mortar Attack
Seeger, William R. "Bill" - Memories and comments about the beginning of the draw-down of
AFVN by SFC Ron Turner, USA, NCOIC, Engineering
Segreto, Francis "Frank" - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No.10 dated December 1969
- Photo - Demonstrating a dance DW(#11)
- With others of Det 5, Quang Tri
Sen, Albert - Tower Crew Supervisor - Photo
Sempa, Francis P. - PBS' The Vietnam War Miseducates America
SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) Training
Sergeants Speak; The Generals Listen (The)
Serkies, Tom - Newsletter, January 1972
Sevits, Steve and Joyce - Dayton May 2008 Reunion
- Photo in "The Observer" for July 6, 1963 TO(#05)
Shameless Self Promotion (Enlightening the Public)
Shamus, Clem - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1969
- Photo - AFVN Radio Staff in 1969 GW(#02)
- Reminiscences and Stories, Ken Kalish
- Reminiscences and Stories, Unknown
Shanner, Paul - Det 2, Da Nang FS(#05)
Sharf, Eli - Reminiscences and Stories, Cal LaMartiniere -8
Shearn, John - Walling BEQ Resident List
Sheehan, Neil- Journalist during the Vietnam War
Shelton, Ray - Photo - With "Short Round" DW(#16)
- Reminiscences and Stories, Thomas Deaner
Shepard, Gary - Reminiscences and Stories, Roger Ashworth - 2
Sherman, Michael - Photo - AFVN Radio Staff in 1969 GW(#02)
Shindig - Promo Slide Promo(#25)
Shipman, Larry - Labeled only "Larry in TV," it may be Larry Shipman - Photo by Mikesch JM(#23)
Shives, John - Photo with six others TF(#16)
Short History of Television in Vietnam (A) by Billy Williams
Shuck, Tom - Newsletter dated January 1972
- Walling BEQ Resident List
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