Faas, Horst - Journalist during the Vietnam War
Facebook Group - Former Military Broadcasters
Facebook Memories- A Fish Story - A story by Ken Kalish about his adventures with a "new,"
recently purchased "used" rowboat
Facilities - AFVN - Map as of August 1970
- US Forces During the Vietnam War
Fact Sheet, AFVN - 1962 to 1968
Fair, Wilbur "Will" - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No.10 dated December 1969
- Photo with others from Det 5, Quang Tri
Faith, Hope and Love - A Story by Ken Kalish examining these three words
Falconer, Joe - AFVN Saigon Night Duty Driver
- Photo taken at the August 1970 AFVN Anniversary Party
Fall of Saigon - S & S Articles April 29, 1975 May 6, 1975
Fall of Saigon, 40 years on - Witnessing the End of the Vietnam War
- Bitter Memories by Tom Glenn
- The Saddest Day, April 30, 1975
- Famous AFVNers / Plaza BEQ / Curfew
Far East Military Assistance Advisory Groups (MAAGs)
Farrell, James - Farewell Plaque JF(#28)
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
Fast Friends - Susan McLean, Donut Dolly
Faulkner, Brian - Names (AFVN and Individuals) and Asking about People
- Rifle Range - Photo CP(#09)
Faulty Ammunition Given to the Enemy
Faulty Strategy Caused Medal of Honor
Fear of Agent Orange by Future Generations
FEN - Itazuke Air Base, Kyushu, Japan & AFKN Korea
Fetner, Adam - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 10 dated December 1969
- Photo with others at Det 3
Fifty Years Ago - Forrest Brandt's Arrival in Vietnam
Filming the Attack on the U.S. Embassy during TET '68 - Joe Ciokon
Finding the AFVN Saigon Compound in 2015
Firchow, Thomas - Photos and Stories
- Photo - With Bob Cordell and Charlie Taylor
Firebases, Memories of Visits to - Dick Downs
Firing Range - Photo of Group Going to
First Day of the Longest War - Book by Charles G. Cooper
First Days Under Communism (The) by Jim Laurie
Fischer, Eddie - Christmas Eve in My Home Town
Fish Story (A), Facebook Memory - A Story by Ken Kalish about his adventures with a "new,"
recently purhacsed "used" rowboat.
"Five Life Lessons" from Robin Williams
- MACV Daily News Brief from 1964 and 1965
Flag Display - Steve Wiltsie
Flag - Presenting of the US Flag at Military Funerals
Flags In - The Displaying of Small American Flags in our Military Cemeteries on Memorial Day
Flanagan, "Ol' Sarge" - Video of Det 3, Pleiku in 1967
Fleeing Da Nang - The Last Flight Out on March 29, 1975
Fleet Speaks and the Admirals Listen (The Enlisted Speaks and the Generals Listen)
Flight Board - Bien Hao Air Base
Florida, AFN Mini-Reunion, April 2014
Flower Children (The) - AFVN Program
Flukes, Liver - Vietnam Liver Flukes may Cause Cancer
Flying Tiger Flight Attendants 50th Reunion
Flying Tiger Line Pilots Association
Flynn, Sean - Photo
FM - Program Schedule for July 1971
- Equipment Installed in February 1965
- Start of Stereo Broadcasting in Saigon and Da Nang (Fact Sheet 1-6)
Foisie, Jack- LA Times
"Follow Me" - Motto of the US Army Infantry Officers' School
Fonda, Jane - Interviewed by Hanoi Hannah (Section 2-1)
Fonda, "Hanoi Jane"
Foot Operated Radio Selection Switch
- Forrest Brandt's comments regarding KLIK's position
Foreign Mercenaries in the US Army
Foreigners Serving in the US Military During the Vietnam War
Forgotten Images of the Vietnam War- Made for the Americans who Fought in it
(A) Forgotten Chapter of Vietnam: How an Indigenous Tribe Won the Admiration of the
Green Beret and Lost Everything Else
Former Military Broadcasters - Facebook Group
Fort Bragg - Attending the MACV Advisors Couse (Frank Rogers and Jim White)
Forty Years on from the Fall of Saigon
Founding of the AFVN Yahoo Group
Four Party Joint Military Team (FPJMT)
Fowlston, Tom - Radio News - February 1973 - 1700 Hours - VC and NV Name POWs to be
- Radio News - February 1973 - 1700 Hours - POWs Released
- Radio News - March 22, 1973 - Released POWs en route to USA
- and Amy - Indianapolis April 2002 Reunion
- Memphis October 2012 Reunion
- Photo - Trying to get a projector to work
- Still trying
- At the dinner RH(#11) SW(#13)
- At the dinner FB(#03)
- Raleigh 2016 Reunion - Video
Fox, Don - Book Promotion "Face to Face: Images from a Different War"
- Good Morning, Vietnam
- Amy, and Fleck (Amy) Confer - Memphis October 2012 Reunion
- Memphis October 2012 Reunion - Photo - At the dinner FB(#04) FB(#05) FB(#11)
- Showing his lottery prize RH(#23)
- Any Confer with lottery prize RH(#26)
- Amy Confer with second prize RH(#43)
- Amy Confer with third prize RH(#48)
- Waiting while Jim tries to read RH(#26)
- Don with his lottery prize RH(#51)
Francoise's Restaurant - Nha Trang
Frank Sinatra (The Dean Martin Show) - Quang Tri Promos PROMO(#09)
Frank, Alan W. - At Saigon Station
Frazer, Mike - AFVN Australia Radio News
Frederiksen, D. - Walling BEQ Resident List
Fredericksen, Rick - 1967 and 2012
- AFKN - 1968 Photos of Seoul Studios
- "All the News that Fit to Air," Vietnam Magazine (Dec 2013)
- Anchorman's Haunting Story Reporting the death of a local policeman.
- "Bleath" (Cut) - Kimo Williams
- Blog with his stories of the My Canh bombing, Project Jenny, etc.
- Boot Camp - Graduation Photo
- - Completed and settling down at DINFOS
- "Broadcasting: Untold Chaos"
- CBS News Report on the Giant Catfish of the Mekong
- Conversation on Location of Det 5 during TET '68
- Covering Pesident Nixon's Visit to Di An in 1969
- Det 4, Hon Tre Newsroom Photo
- Rick's First Morning News Broadcast in Honolulu on March 24, 1983
- (The) Ghosts of Dong Da Rick's Blog - The Story of Det 5 Today
- Introduction to his forth-coming book, "Broadcasters; Untold Chaos"
- Iowa Storyteller Retired after Illustrious 48-year Career
- How He Got Into Broadcasting and Journalism
- Kimo Williams - Article by Rick Fredericksen in "Vietnam Magazine"
(Apr 2014)
- Narrated an Iowa Public Radio program on Big Band Music
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 15, 1969
- Paying off the Vietnamese CBS Employees
- Photo - "A Little Bit of Home" (Insight Magazine, Page 2)
- Civilian Retirement RF(#50)
- TV News Broadcast TF(#84) TF(#85)
- with others involved in the censorship controversy
- Photo of Rick holding a Picture of Rick RF(#49)
- Time's posed photo of those involved in the controversy
- Recevied a Peabody Award for Coverate of the Teinanmen incident
- Revealed! Escapades at Vietnam Radio-TV Outpost by Rick Fredericksen
- Saigon in the 60s: a Black and White Portrayal by Francois Sully
- San Diego October 2014 Reunion
- Photo - With Craig Prosser and Steve
Southerland RHMar(#05)
- Interviewing Col Lee, USMC
- With Marine Drill Sergeant
- With Steve Ashley, etc.
- With Steve Ashley and friend
- With F-4 Phantom pilots
- Launching F-18s RF-Mid(#17)
- In the brig RF-Mid(#19)
- In the EM quarters RF-Mid(#20)
- At the dinner RH-Din(#18)
- Taking about Det 5, Hue and TET '68
- "The Last Stand of Detachment 5" Vietnam Magazine (Feb 2018)
- Tet 68, 25th Anniversary (CBS Presentation featuring Rick)
- Turpin, Ira Leslie "Mike" - Anchorman's Mysterious Death
- Untold Chaos (Book about Military Broadcasting by Rick)
- Wanna (Rick's wife) - Photo
- While at Cherry Point -- Early in his Military Career
- With Walter Cronkite in 1980
French Army Battalion in Vietnam
French - VIetnam Under the French Prior to World War Two
Frischmann, Donald - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
Fulbright Scholarship - Bob Morecook, Possibility of
Fuller, Howard W. - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1, 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
Fulwood, Fred - Reminiscences and Stories. Cal LaMartiniere - 8
Funding - Switched from PACOM to USARV (#1-6)
Funerals - Presenting of the US Flag
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