K Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
Kaaihue, Walter - Newsletter dated January 1972
KCAT Radio and Phu Cat Air Base
Kafer, Frank W. - Photo with Harold E. Hutchinson and Mike Kumm MK(#04)
Kafka, John - Comment on a Heroic River Patrol in October 1966
Kaiser, Jim - Outline of AFVN News- 1969
KAL007 - Shooting down of
Kalish, Ken - Comment on a Heroic River Patrol in October 1966
- Indianapolis April 2002 Reunion
- Nickname on river boat was Bohunk (Bohemian)
- Photos
- Reminiscences and Stories, Cal LaMartiniere - 3
- Reminiscences and Stories, Cal LaMartiniere - 6
- Reminiscences and Stories, Cal LaMartiniere - 11
- Some Comments after the 2012 AFVN Reunion
- Stories
- (A Sample) Veteran's Day Speech
and Lila - Dayton May 2008 Reunion
- Memphis October 2012 Reunion
- Memphis October 2012 Reunion - Photo - At the dinner RH(#07)
- Ken with his lottery prize RH(#19)
- Lila with her lottery prize RH(#45)
- With Bob Morecook RH(#17)
- With Bob Morecook and a prize RH(#18)
- With Ron Hesketh SW1(#01)
- At the dinner FB(#02) FB(#04) FB(#05)
- What was left of Ken's boat after TET '68
Kalish, Lila - Checking the dining room RH(#01)
Kalish, Ken and Lila - San Diego October 2014 Reunion - In the Hospitality Room RH-HR17th(#10)
- Explaining something RH-HR18th(#08)
- At the evening buffet RH-Din(#16)
- With Joe Ciokon RH-HR18th(#05)
- With Joe Ciokon & others RH-Din(#11)
- With Joe Ciokon & his family RH-Din(#17)
- Photos and Stories (Stories)
- Photos and Stories (Photos)
- Veteran's Day Speech (Sample)
- Words Count Even 20 Years After
Kalish, Lila - San Diego October 2014 Reunion - Photo - At the bar with one of the wives
- With someone at the bar RH-Din(#04)
- Winner of a CD RH-Lot(#11)
Kasper, Paul - AFVN Collection
- An "Unofficial" Vietnam Dictionary
- Article with Bob Nelson on "What does the Country Owe the Soldiers?"
- "Nightmares" - A bok by Paul Kasper about his experiences in Vietnam
- A National Radio Interview about his book
- "Pandora's Box" A short novel by Paul Kasper
- Preparing a "Unit History" with Bob Morecook
Keene, Ron - Reminiscences and Stories, Joe Ciokon - 3
Kein, Mama-san - BM(#21)
Keith, Bobbie - Arlington May 2002 Reunion
- Appears in Episode 1 of "Vietnam, the 10,000 Day War" at 15:55.....
- Clipping from "The Cavalair" (1st Air Cav)
- Giving the Weather DE(#02) to DE(#05)
- Newseum
- TV Weather Report and Surprise Birthday Party
- Washington DC November 2002 Reunion
Kelly, Delbert - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August, 1969
Kelsey, Ann - Comment on "Good Morning, Vietnam" Movie
- Memphis October 2012 Reunion - RH(#53)
- With Mike Jackson & Joe Ciokon SW(#05)
Kelsey, Ann - San Diego October 2014 Reunion
Kemper, Bob - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. ?, August 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
Ken Burns - See Burns, Ken
Kennedy, John - Forrest Brandt's Story of the Assassination of
Kent State and Shootings at Augusta and Jackson State 1970
Kerns, Robin F. - (Project Jenny) Passed away in April 2018
Kerns Troutman, Robin F. - Messages of thanks: AFVN Contacts / AFVN Guestbook
Key, Arthur (Art) - AFVN Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
KIA - Killed in Action
- Land mine south of Da Nang kills three AFVN Members (p. 8)
Kieffer, Dave - Photo with Hugh Morgan RF(#05)
Kimball, Jim - Photo with friends
King, Earl - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
King, Tim - Indianapolis April 2002 Reunion (Videographer)
Kinney, Charles - Newsletter, Vol 2, No 7, September 1969
Kirsch, Ginny, Red Cross - "Fast Friends"
Kirtley, Don - Names (AFVN and Individuals) - and Asking about People
- Photo in "The Observer" for July 6, 1963 TO(#02)
Kleine, Jim -OIC at Qui Nhon
KLIK - 1st Infantry Division (Separate section on)
- Entrance to Radio Lai Kei
- Forrest Brandt's Comment on Forbidden Music
- Tim Abney is more responsible for KLIK Pages than Forrest Brandt
Kneeland, Herbert "Go" - AFVN Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
- Wanting to join the AFVN Yahoo Group
Kobasic, John - Florida April 2014 AFN Mini-Reunion
Kochanek, Ed - Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 10 dated December 1969
Kock, K. - Walling BEQ Resident List
Koepler Compound - MACV Personnel Section - Photo by Mikesch JM(#48)
Kohtz, Bob - Photos BM(#20) BM(#21)
Korea, AFKN and FEN, Itazuke Air Base, Japan
Koseruba, David - Photo with others at Det 3
Kramer, Sarah - NPR Producer (Long Binh Jail (Stockade) Riot in 1968
Kramer, David L. - Newsletter, Vol 2, No 7, September 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
Kraus, Calvin "Sam" - Newsletter, Vol 2, No 7, September 1969
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969
Krause, Patty - Reminiscences and Stories, Dick Ellis - 2
Krause, Patty - Reminiscences and Stories, Ken Kalish
Krull, Germaine - Saigon Diary 1945
Kumm, Mike - Photo - With Felix Casipit
- Indianapolis April 2002 Reunion
and Janet - Dayton May 2008 Reunion
- Memphis October 2012 Reunion
- Photo - Mike with his camera RH(#15)
- Going through the "Mess line" RH(#05)
- W/ Preston Cluff & the LeRoys SW1(#05)
- MIke showing his map skills SW1(#08)
- Janet & Mike at the dinner FB(#11) FB(#14)
- Showing lottery prizes RH(#25) & RH(#34)
- Listening to Chris Noel FB(#15)
- Photo with wife and Jerry and Marcia Nelson
- Raleigh 2016 Reunion - Video
Ky Son Hotel (BEQ) - Bomb near the - Chicago Tribune
- Evacuation Helicopter (On the ground)
- Evacuation Helicopter (Unloading wounded)
- Entrance (Scanned at 2014 Reunion) Photo by Larry Woods LW(#12)
- Taped Windows (White, Misc Scans)
- Then and Now Photos of the Ky Son BEQ
Kyser, James G. III - Newsletter, Vol 2, No. 7, September 1969 (Twice)
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 9 dated November 1969 (Twice)
- Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 10 dated December 1969 (Twice)
- Photo
- Photo - With Bob Young
- Photo - With Randall Moody RF(#12)
- Photo - RM(#12)
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